Encourage the Good
I spend my life trying to encourage the good wherever I can find it. I think about how faith relates to culture and how the Bible applies to every area of life. I am interested in innovation, leadership, creativity and sport. Ideas and stories are the currency of life and open up new horizons. I would like you to know the love of God and the joy, peace and hope that are found in Jesus.
112 episodes
Friendly Fire
In my experience the hardest things in leadership are dealing with opposition and managing internal frustration and disappointment. In both cases the strength of emotion that accompanies the narrative makes it hard to chart a steady course....
Season 5
Episode 7

Leadership facing attack and under pressure
Opposition can feel like an indication that we are doing something wrong, but it can often indicative that we are moving in the right direction. One of the things to consider facing opposition is what is the truth of this accusatio...
Season 5
Episode 6

Building Together
Everything is broken down, the state of disrepair is exhaustive, but it is addressed by a comprehensive endeavour where each person and group plays their part. Each of us has a part to play. The different individuals and groups hav...
Season 5
Episode 5

Secret Service
Nehemiah Episode 4It is very informative to watch how Nehemiah goes about things in this new season.He catches his breath. He does not do anything for three days. Rest and reset are important. The whole idea of recreation is bei...
Season 5
Episode 4

The right place at the right time.
Nehemiah: Episode 3Timing is everything. One of my recurrent prayers is that I would be in the right place at the right time with the right heart, with the right words for the right people.Nehemiah decides that this day in the m...
Season 5
Episode 3

The in between times.
Nehemiah: Episode 2How does Nehemiah cope in the in between time of a growing sense of what the future may hold and continuing to carry out his responsibilities in the present. How do we cope in our own in between times, facing th...
Season 5
Episode 2

A Curious Conversation
Nehemiah has a huge amount to teach us about leadership but not necessarily the things that we might expect.The first thing to note is the context that the story takes place in, understanding the times and discerning what God is doing in...
Season 5
Episode 1

Groundhog Day
“What would you do if you were stuck in one place and every day was exactly the same and nothing that you did, mattered?” “That about sums it up for me."Covid 19 has seen many of us feeling trapped in our own...
Season 4
Episode 2

Curiouser and curiouser
Poetry can give us an epiphany. A different perspective or sudden appreciation of understanding something in a new or clear way.Historical narrative can also give insight, sometimes through recorded observation, sometimes throu...
Season 4
Episode 1

Projecting strength and preserving image can too easily become a fashion in leadership as well as design. If we be obsess over our own perfection we will project unrealistic expectations on others and have no way to process failure or ...
Season 3
Episode 50

Ninety Nine
Most of us get to a place where we can begin to coast, we have put in the hard yards to get up the hill and now we can free wheel the final stretch. We can hold onto what we’ve got and think it doesn’t matter if we make it or not, especially if...
Season 3
Episode 49

The Barnabas Files - Part 2
Ministry is not a career. It is not better to be the pastor a large church in a city or a small rural parish, it is not more significant to be the President of an organisation or the junior administrator. The key thing is to serve and to use...
Season 3
Episode 48

The Barnabas Files - Part 1
The relationship between the little guy and the son of encouragement is a fascinating example of leadership development and helpfully identifies some key issues around encouragement. I am struck by five of these lessons from The Barnabas Fil...
Season 3
Episode 47

Soundtrack for the Future
The soundtrack of my life has a playlist pressed through memories and reflects my loyalties, passions and choices. My songbook is full of my greatest hits, the archeology of my tastes reveals many clues to my identity. Wha...
Season 3
Episode 46

Freedom and Fairness
Paul and Silas endured all this. They could have asserted their rights as Roman Citizenship when they were being accused of being Jewish agitators subverting Roman law and order. But instead they gave up their rights and freedoms and endured...
Season 3
Episode 45

When Plan A doesn’t work and neither does Plan B
What do you do in leadership when things do not pan out as you expected they might or you hoped they would? It is easier if there is someone to blame but harder when people are looking to you and wondering what is going on. We can have...
Season 3
Episode 44

Patience x3
I do not remember as a child asking on car journeys if we were nearly there yet. But pretty much every hill I have ever climbed I get excited that the next ridge is going to be the top or at the very least will allow a peek of the peak and I...
Season 3
Episode 43

A Little Bit Minty
The love and faithfulness of the Lord are to be proclaimed and celebrated from when we wake at dawn to when we sleep at night. Our worship responds to the Lord’s greatness, impressive work and superior knowledge.The thing I find help...
Season 3
Episode 42

Every Child Matters
Today marks Canada’s first National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. It is long overdue. The date was picked to coincide with Orange Shirt Day an indigenous grass roots initiative honouring the lost children and the survivors of Canada’s Re...
Season 3
Episode 41

Stand Firm
“Courage isn't having the strength to go on - it is going on when you don't have strength.” Like soldiers we often cannot see how the battle is progressing, our immediate experience in the conflict can be encouraging or depressi...
Season 3
Episode 40

Most Valuable Player
We do not spend time and give to people because of their potential. We do not engage in student ministry primarily because we are working with the leaders of tomorrow but because we care about the youth of today. In the economy ...
Season 3
Episode 39

Feast and Famine
I do not expect to see either my children or my parents all the time but I do not enjoy not seeing being able to see them at all. The problem with having family scattered around the globe is that it tends to be a famine or a feast.
Season 3
Episode 38

Little Canada
Little Canada was founded by Jean-Louis Brenninkmeijer an immigrant who had a vision to build a model world inspired by a visit to Miniatur Wunderland in Hamburg. He reached out to model railway clubs to try to find people with the skills to...
Season 3
Episode 37